Information Services

Our street and building directories are market leaders in terms of quality and they offer extensive coverage of many European countries. This valuable reference data provides the basis for many address validation programs. Formatting, validation, comparison, verification, and assistance – our address management tools provide you with professional and powerful support. With our customer insights, you can find out what piques the interest of your customers. The basis for this is our one-of-a-kind AZ DIAS Audience Targeting System. It comprises extensive profile data about more than 40 million households, 70 million individuals, and 20 million buildings, featuring more than 600 characteristics. The data is protected at all times through anonymization with our patented Data Secure[superscript]TTP[/superscript] method.

Product Portfolio

Street and Building Dataset

Valuable reference data, market-leading quality, and international availability – to verify and qualify your customer data

Address Services

Minimize returns and increase your conversion rate with efficient and modern address management services

Customer Insights

Find out what piques the interest of your customers – qualifying customer data for tailored communication and support

Please feel free to get in touch with us: By email, phone, or in person.